Welcome to Troop 515

Scouting has been around a long time (since 1907) and what started as a group of 20 at Brownsea Island in England has grown into over 50 million scouts world wide.  Since its inception, millions of youth have participated in Scouting for the fun and excitement of it. Flowing underneath all this fun and excitement is a character-building program that encourages making good ethical choices, family strengthening, physical fitness, and citizenship skills in the lives of our children.

Scouts BSA is the traditional Scouting experience for youth in the fifth grade through high school. Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.

Scouting utilizes an advancement system that requires a scout to complete the requirements towards his Rank (Scout > Tendwefoot > Second Class > First Class > Star> Life> Eagle). There are many awards and recognitions available in Scouting; Troop 515 strives to make each award earned significant and meaningful to the Scouts so it will be remembered for a long time.

From a global perspective, your scout is a member of Troop 515, which is in the Chaparral District of the South Plains Council of the Boys Scouts of America. We are in every sense a community Troop, drawing most of our members from the Shallowater School District of Shallowater, Texas. The Troop is run by registered BSA Adult Leader volunteers and the scouts are separated into groups. The smaller groups of scouts are referred to as a Patrol.  As a member of a patrol, youth are afforded opportunities that are hard to find anywhere else. Unlike a sports team,  a Scout patrol carries out a wide range of tasks that require pooling resources and working together to function successfully in all kinds of circumstances

Yours in Scouting,

Josh Nichols, Scout Master
Tad Overstreet, Assistant Scout master
Vohnya Tongate, Committee Chair