The Boy Scout Troop 515 is pleased to offer you a chance to proudly display our country’s flag on the holidays listed below.  We start the flag season off in September and the season will end in July. Each flag is $35 for the full season.


Labor Day (Sept)

September 11 in remembrance of 9/11

Veterans Day (Nov)

Presidents Day (Feb)

Memorial Day (May)

Flag Day (June)

Independence Day (July)


As a service to our community, we will put flags in front of your home in the mornings, taking them down in the evening.  The only time we will not put the flags out will be due to bad weather.  As the Boy Scouts have performed this service for the community for many years now, we have been pleased that you have helped us pay our own way.

The Boy Scout Troop 515 greatly appreciates all your help.

Thank you very much!